Art Development Level 2
The importance of fine arts is a benefit, not just to the older student and population, but is a necessary area of development for the young student who will benefit with it in all areas of education. Art provides an opportunity for children to develop the use of their senses directly and encourages the student to further develop what they already know as a source of knowledge and creativity.
It is important for the student to make a connection between the verbal and visual; logic and emotions; imagination and reality. Art offers the student an opportunity to express feelings and emotions in their drawings and with color. The fine art program promotes self-esteem and self-awareness as it enhances personal fulfillment. Children have a wonderful imagination that, if encouraged, will be needed though out their life. This program provides an opportunity for self-discipline through instruction and cooperation while providing the student with an opportunity for self-expression by using imaginative thinking for creative solutions. Again, this is a necessity in lifetime experiences.
The student will see the artistic expressions and inventions from cultures around the world that are part of the history of mankind and development. Modern media provides many opportunities to the student. However, the student has the benefit to experience it more closely in art classes.
Repetition, important for young children, is evident in these lessons. Repetition is provided at different age levels while using various tools and mediums.
Home, family and friends, pets, and toys are the young student’s world. The student will begin with their personal world as they think they know it, and discover so much more about it. These lessons provide a deeper awareness of the world immediately around them, and eventually their journey will grow from there.
Each student is an individual with unique ideas and talents. Our goal is to provide each student an opportunity for personal growth for themselves and the world in which we live.
Major Concepts
• Cooperation
• Self-expression
• Promotes greater awareness of details
• Promote development of fine motor skills
• Colors
• Lines for texturing and action
• Shapes
• Symmetry/mirror painting
• Printmaking
• Create artwork using various mediums
• Mixing mediums for artwork