Consumer Math B


SKU: 71600910 Categories: ,


This course focuses on the mathematics involved in making wise consumer decisions. Students explore the many ways in which mathematics affects their daily lives. The first semester will cover paychecks and wages, taxes, insurance, budgets, bank accounts, credit cards, interest calculations, and comparison-shopping. Second semester topics include vehicle and home purchasing, investing, and business and employee management.
Semester B
• Use customary and metric units of length, volume, and weight to estimate measures and to convert from one system to another.
• Construct and read bar, line, circle, and pictographs as well as interpret information on a map.
• Compute the cost of remodeling a room such as area, number and cost of tile, amount and cost of carpeting, and amount and cost of painting.
• Compute net pay, deductions, federal and state income taxes.
• Compute premiums for life insurance and health insurance and understand Social Security benefits.
• Compute sticker price, financing, insurance, depreciation, and maintenance for an automobile.
• Read and interpret bus and airline schedules.
• Determine the cost of a trip including gasoline, meals, and hotels and use a mileage chart to calculate travel distances.
• Use unit prices, calorie charts, and cost of preparing a meal when grocery shopping.
• Compute the retail price of an item as well as the cost of renting an item.
• Explore methods of dividing profits/losses in a business partnership.
• Compute profit and loss on a stock transaction.