Social Studies 4 B


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Semester B
Semester B of grade 4 Social Studies picks up where semester A left off by looking further into frontier life of the early American settlers. Students examine the difficulties that early settlers faced when reaching America. They apply knowledge of historical thinking, chronology, turning points, individuals, and themes of local and Unites States history in order to understand how history has shaped the present and will shape the future. They will continue the focus of local history by doing research projects on settlers from their particular states and on how their state became a part of the Union. The transition from the pony express to the transcontinental railroad is a major theme that shows how quickly the United States developed. Students end by creating a time capsule that demonstrates what was important to early settlers from their particular states.
Major Concepts
• Frontier life
• Early settlers from particular areas
• Research skills
• Culture of Colonial settlers
• Native Americans and Colonial settlers
• The California God Rush
• The evolution of transportation