Social Studies 3 B


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Semester B
The second semester begins with introducing learners to economics and the role that money plays in every civilization. Students learn the difference between natural, human, and capital resources. They also examine the production of goods, trade, specialization, and interdependence, and come to understand the importance that each individual plays in a society’s economy. Learners are introduced to Civics by discussing the governmental structure of the Ancient Hebrews and Phoenicians. The purpose and importance of laws and how they are enacted as well as the establishment of government are shown through stories of the Ancient Phoenicians and Native Americans. The course ends by discussing the purpose and nature of government as it relates to the United States.
Major Concepts
• Understanding important economic fundamentals
• Specialization and interdependence
• Production of goods and importance of trade
• Development of government and laws
• Important documents that shaped the United States
• Principles of a republican government