Social Studies 2 A


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Semester A
In second grade, students in this course will begin to explore the basic fundamentals of social studies including culture, geography, and economics. Students will explore the Ancient Cultures of China, Africa, and the Celts. Students will explore these cultures through ancient folk tales and fables. Learners will create a photo book that describes the significant events in their own life. They will also examine the importance of geography and direction. Students will learn how to locate boundaries while using a world map. Students will identify the places that were discussed in the previous lessons including Africa, China, and the British Isles. They will develop a rudimentary understanding of map symbols as they locate continents, the equator, and oceans. Students will also learn to identify on a road map where they live, rivers, mountain ranges and lakes nearby their homes. Learners will follow a step-by-step approach for successfully completing each lesson, which includes storytelling, repetition, projects, arts and crafts, and videos.
Major Concepts
• Cultural Diversity in Ancient Civilizations
• Reading Fables and Folk Tales
• Put Together a Linear Story
• Geography Skills
• Reading a Map
• Identifying Important Land Features