Math 4 B
Semester B
Semester B of grade 4 math has learners continuing to work with fractions. They will learn to multiply fractions and convert them to decimals. Students will also begin to learn to equivalent measurements of length, weight, mass, and capacity. They will also learn helpful skills in understanding time, distance, and money. Students will develop an understanding that geometric figures can be analyzed and classified based on their properties, such as having parallel sides, perpendicular sides, particular angle measures, and symmetry. Lessons on rectangles, line plots, angles, figure drawing, polygons, and symmetry will be taught. Semester B continues to use varied forms of instruction that allow students to learn these skills in a practical manner.
Major Concepts
• Fraction multiplication
• Fractions to decimals
• Length
• Measuring weight, mass, and capacity
• Time, distance, and money
• Rectangles
• Line plots
• Angles
• Polygons
• Symmetry