Biology B
Semester B
Biology B is a continuation of the basic course in biology, Biology A. The major concepts covered are population dynamics and evolution. Students explore population dynamics through the study of mutualism, predation, parasitism, and competition. The theory of evolution is presented, along with the many evidences and details that make evolution the backbone of modern biology. From biochemistry to evolution, biology fascinates people. Biochemists first astounded the world by showing that life obeys the same chemical principles as all creation, but that life engineers chemistry to its own needs. Decades later, Darwin shocked the world by suggesting that life evolves according to the conditions of the environment it inhabits. Evolution, often debated and derided, has survived to become a key concept of biology. This second course in biology examines the wonder of life and its mechanisms. Students work through and complete several self-check activities and quizzes for practice, and participate in self-reflection. In each unit, students complete the unit exam and deliver a unit project. Teacher feedback is provided throughout the course.