AP High School English Language and Composition A


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This course is the first semester of a full credit course provides instruction on all the competencies needed to be successful on the Advanced Placement test from College Board. The course is designed to develop student awareness of how an author creates meaning through language use, genre conventions, and rhetorical choices. In addition, students are expected to write and analyze persuasive arguments. According to the English Language and Composition guidelines outlined on the AP website, the course “engages students in becoming skilled readers of prose written in a variety of periods, disciplines, and rhetorical contexts, and in becoming skilled writers who compose for a variety of purposes” (English Language and Composition homepage, p.6). This course will help you to read with deeper understanding and write more powerfully and effectively. Our writing assignments include rhetorical analyses, personal essays, argumentative essays, expository essays, evaluation essays, journal entries, and more. You should plan on having an hour to devote to AP English homework every night. Access to a computer is essential as is regular attendance at class. The pace and level of work in this class is not easily made up just by getting the notes from someone.