American History B


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Semester B: Expansion of a Nation
American History B begins with a study of American life before the 1929 Stock Market crash
and how the Roaring Twenties influenced society in the late 19th through early 20th centuries.
Students will examine the causes and consequences of the Great Depression and move on into a
detailed study of World War II with an emphasis on America’s role in the conflict. The course
continues with an analysis of the Cold War struggle and America’s rise as a superpower. The
Civil Rights and Women’s rights movements, pollution and the environment, and American
domestic and foreign policy will be examined. The course wraps up with a summary of current
events and issues, including a study of the Middle East. This course begins with an assessment of
life in United States pre-World War I and ends with the conflicts of the new millennium.
Students look at the nation in terms of economic, social, and political trends. The experiences of
the last century are summarized, including a look into the civil rights issues that have embroiled
the nation in conflict. The development of the United States of America into a superpower is
explored within a global context.