Consumer Math A


SKU: 71600908 Categories: ,


This course focuses on the mathematics involved in making wise consumer decisions. Students explore the many ways in which mathematics affects their daily lives. The first semester will cover paychecks and wages, taxes, insurance, budgets, bank accounts, credit cards, interest calculations, and comparison-shopping. Second semester topics include vehicle and home purchasing, investing, and business and employee management.
Semester A
• Solve basic arithmetic problems that require addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, fractions and decimals.
• Estimate and round numbers.
• Calculate your earned income along with deductions and fringe benefits.
• Compute percentages, ratios, and proportions.
• Keep accurate banking and checking account records.
• Formulate a personal budget which includes expenses (utilities, insurance, taxes) incurred with home ownership.
• Identify the cost of buying on credit.
• Point out the importance of wise consumer buying, saving and