Math K B


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Semester B
Students learn to count to twenty. They work with comparing objects using the terms tall, longer, and shorter as well as comparing two objects using the terms lighter and heavier. They will continue their exploration of basic geometric shapes such as cones and spheres. The will work with the concept of first, middle, and last.

Arranging and sorting receive special emphasis this semester. Students will also work on writing numbers with 3, 4, and 5 given special attention. Students will learn the concepts of left and right. Coins are also a focus as students will count pennies, nickels and dimes. Finally the number 7 is studies using the colors of the rainbow.
Projects include making paper fingers and thumbs and creating designs with them. They will also make the numbers 1-10 out of dough.
Major Concepts:
• Counting to twenty
• Comparing weight and length
• Sorting by shape and color
• Cones, cubes, and spheres
• First middle and last
• Left and right
• Counting pennies and nickels