Social Studies 1 B


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Semester B
The second semester has a focus on introductory economics. They will study bartering, goods and services, jobs in the community, and how the marketplace works.
Another focus is on positive character traits such as honesty, what the aspects of personal responsibility are, and how to help and respect others.
Historic figures such as Clara Barton and characters from fiction and folklore are used as models for teaching positive traits.
Students will continue practicing there five finger retelling skill with assignments on Martin Alonso (a sailor with Columbus) and George Washington.
Projects will help students think about thoughtful words, showing respect, and being honest. Learners will write, draw, and perform in these projects.
Topics covered:
• Bartering
• Native American systems
• Goods in the home and the marketplace
• Community services
• Personal responsibility
• Characteristics of truthfulness
• Role of work in a community