Chemistry B


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Semester B
Chemistry B covers the atomic theory, the mathematics of chemistry, acids and bases, oxidation and reduction, states of matter, environmental issues, and sources of energy in food. Concepts in this course include the electronic structure of atoms, chemical bonding, liquids, solids, and intermolecular forces. Additionally solutions, chemical equilibrium, reaction rates, and states of matter are considered. Students develop a solid understanding of several universal scientific principles. Cooking, swimming, driving, camping, and eating all involve chemistry. Such everyday activities may seem trivial, but unless one understands the chemistry behind them, they become disasters-in-the-making. For example, swimming pools become fungus-infested quagmires unless the pH is continuously adjusted. This course enables the student to understand and manipulate the applications of chemistry in real-world settings. Students work through and complete several self-check activities and quizzes for practice, and participate in self-reflection. In each unit students complete the unit exam and deliver a unit project. Teacher feedback is provided throughout the course.