Language Arts 8 B


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Semester B
The purpose of this course is to build upon the skills presented in English 8A and enhance the focus and style of academic writing. Students continue to develop advanced traits of formal language through challenging activities and exercises that get at the heart of precise communication. Through careful study of parts of speech, verb forms, and sentence clauses, students will be prepared to write at the High School level without distracting errors that get in the way of self expression. Students will complete six units of varying topics, comprised of five lessons each. Besides grammar instruction, each unit encourages a love of literature with captivating and age-appropriate novels and stories. Detailed Novel Study Guides challenge students to go beyond basics like plot and setting to really analyze and engage with literature. In addition, the student will outline, draft and revise a polished research paper, while learning the importance of avoiding plagiarism, citing sources, and organizing arguments. This ability to craft a strong thesis and prove it with evidence will equip students for creative and logical writing in high School and beyond.
• Communication of Ideas
• Sentences as Complete Thoughts
• Research Essays
• Source Citation and Bibliographies
• Thesis Sentences
• Outlining